AEC draws ballots

AEC draws ballots

Australian Electoral Commission Cockburn branch staff Vian Woods, Tara Snell and Jo Johnson draw the ballots. Photograph – Matt Devlin.

Australians will have almost 100 less candidates to choose from at the July 2 federal election following the official declaration of candidate nominations on Friday.

A total 1625 candidates have nominated to contest the election compared with 1717 candidates in the 2013 election according to electoral commissioner Tom Rogers.

The national figure included 631 candidates for the 76 Senate vacancies and 994 candidates for the 150 House of Representatives seats across Australia.

Ballot draws for the seats of Burt, Swan and Tangney took place on Friday at the AEC in Cockburn.

In Tangney, Liberal turned independent incumbent member Dennis Jensen is in the top spot followed by Christians’ John Wieske, Greens’ Thor Kerr, Labor’s Marion Boswell and Liberal’s Ben Morton.

In Burt, Labor candidate Matt Keogh had the top spot, with Greens candidate Muhammad Salman in two and Liberal candidate Matt O’Sullivan in position three.

In Swan, the Greens’ Sarah Nielsen-Harvey is in position one followed by the Australian Christians’ Steve Klomp, Labor’s Tammy Solonec and Liberal’s Steve Irons.

In the senate there were 79 candidates stepping up for a seat.

Mr Rogers said the printing of ballot papers would start with early voting already commencing.