Halloween comes alive in ‘Spookeystone’

Halloween comes alive in ‘Spookeystone’

Havana Fernandes, Ruby Davis, Andreas Fernandes, Ivy Innes, Odin Innes and Ella Davis got into the theme of Halloween.

The residents of Roleystone, or ‘Spookeystone’ as it called every October 31, have outdone themselves again putting on an amazingly creative costume display for Halloween.

Over the past few years Roleystone residents have gone to great lengths to celebrate the spirit of All Hallows Eve dressing as everything from Batman to Harry Potter characters and ghosts, ghouls and goblins all in the name or free sweets and brightening up their neighbourhood.

This year was no exception as houses throughout the hilly area turned their homes into horror houses of fun.

In all hundreds of residents participated in family-friendly fun for this year’s Halloween celebrations.

We look forward to see what’s in stall for next year.

Photographs – Richard Polden.