Residents feud with City of Gosnells over empty lot

Residents feud with City of Gosnells over empty lot

This empty block of land is at the centre of a feud between nearby residents and the City of Gosnells.

Friends and neighbours have pleaded with the City of Gosnells to avoid turning Lot 3406 – on the corner of Reigate St and Coolburra St – into residential space.

One local resident, who did not wish to be identified, moved into Reigate St back in 2017.

At the time, they were told that the lot (currently an empty block of land) would eventually be turned into a park/bushland area.

“When our neighbours built their houses or moved in, they were also told that there was going to be a park there,” the resident said.

According to the resident, many community members are now afraid that the lot will be sold for residential use.

“We are very frustrated…it wasn’t what we were promised, and it breaks our hearts,” the resident said.

“We all believe it needs to be developed into a park, with playground facilities and also with environmental value.

“This is an incredibly valuable space, that the local community desperately wants to invest in.”

City of Gosnells chief executive Ian Cowie said the city was in the midst of reviewing its Public Open Space Strategy.

He confirmed the review process would include an ‘assessment of optimal use’ for Lot 3406.

“The city owns a number of public open space lots in the area, which are maintained to a minimum standard,” he said.

“The Public Open Space Strategy provides guidance on the lots that can be sold, with proceeds used to fund other local parks that will be enhanced and maintained to a higher standard, to better meet community expectations.

“The review will re-assess the selection criteria for land to be sold, including proximity to other parks, community safety, and maintenance requirements.”