Loud socks help students hear

Loud socks help students hear


Staff and students at John Wollaston Anglican Community School donned loud and crazy socks this week to raise funds for Telethon Speech and Hearing.

Several students receive support for hearing loss through the Telethon Speech and Hearing Outpost at John Wollaston, making Loud Sock Day a cause close to the hearts of all students.

Principal Anne Ford said the school is delighted to help raise awareness of hearing loss during Hearing Awareness Week.

“It was great to see students showing off their unique personality through some very colourful and wacky socks on display,” she said.

“We are very fortunate to have a Telethon Speech and Hearing Outpost at John Wollaston and this is the perfect way for our community to get behind the cause and support the work they do.”

“Our Teachers of the Deaf play an important role in supporting John Wollaston students with hearing loss so they can access the mainstream curriculum and thrive in a classroom setting.”

There are currently six students at John Wollaston who have moderate to severe hearing loss and receive regular support through the outpost program.

Teacher of the Deaf Kendra Buss said Outpost students are able to participate in the whole school program as well as receive specialist instruction.

“Students can learn alongside their peers in a caring, inclusive environment, whilst receiving specialist support at school to help them reach their potential,” she said.

“Telethon Speech and Hearing students enjoy the opportunity to engage with each other, with one student recently saying he felt part of a ‘tribe’.”

Funds raised from Loud Sock Day will be donated to Telethon Speech and Hearing to support their work in helping change the lives of children who are deaf or hard of hearing with the gifts of speech and language.