More than 100 students witness school fight

More than 100 students witness school fight

On Tuesday morning, reports emerged about an alleged altercation at Briggs Park opposite the school.

Byford Secondary College’s principal has voiced his disappointment over a fight adjacent to the school that was allegedly witnessed by as many as 100 of its students. 

On Tuesday morning, reports emerged about an alleged altercation at Briggs Park that was witnessed by more than 100 year 7 to 10 students. 

It is understood the fight began before school and the students were there for several minutes before staff and police arrived at the location, which is less than 400 metres from the school campus. 

The college then launched an investigation into the incident, which resulted in two students being suspended. 

Principal Paul Jones told Examiner Newspapers the school did not tolerate violent behaviour and assured parents the school acted swiftly to address those involved. 

“It is never ok for students to resort to violence and I’m very disappointed by the behaviour of our students,” he said. 

“Parents can be assured that as soon as we were made aware of the incident, which was occurring off school grounds on Tuesday morning, two staff members attended, as did the police, and the fight was broken up.

“The incident was immediately investigated and two students have been suspended.

“The vast majority of our students do the right thing and come to school every day to learn. 

“On the small number of occasions when issues like this do arise, our college manages them swiftly and in partnership with the families.” 

Mr Jones said the college had implemented a range of programs and strategies to promote positive behaviour among students and respect for each other to ensure the school was a safe place for everyone. 

Later that day, Mr Jones released a public statement assuring families the college was committed to providing a safe learning environment and urging those concerned about the wellbeing of students or staff to make ‘direct contact’ with the school.