Pet dog found after going missing for 18 months

Pet dog found after going missing for 18 months

Veronique Garcia, Andre Garcia, Jasmin Garcia and Gucci their dog that was lost for 18-months. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

A beloved family dog has returned home after being lost for 18-months. A Pomeranian Shitzu cross named Gucci disappeared in June 21 of 2018 leaving her family completely devastated.

Mother of two Veronique Garcia said Gucci’s disappearance left a massive void in the family.

“Although I tried to remain positive for the kids, especially my 12-year-old daughter, Jasmin never gave up putting up lost posters of Gucci,” she said.

“I tried to be realistic that she was getting on in age and perhaps would pass away or struggle finding her way home.

“I did have to say to my daughter to stop looking at times as she would get quite upset if she saw a dog that looked like her and we would need to stop and check even if we were driving in case it was her.”

A couple of weeks ago Gucci was found wandering around Cannington late at night by a City of Canning community safety officer after a resident reported a stray dog.

The family had already joined every social media lost and found group locally and the broader Perth area.

However it was Donna Mitchell, from the Perth Lost and Found group, who regularly sent photos of dogs that looked similar to Gucci.

Some 18-months later Ms Mitchell presented the family with a big surprise with an enlarged picture of Gucci herself.

“My heart sank and then it started to race,” she said.

“Could this actually be Gucci?

“I immediately rang the Canning Pound and they told me they were open from 4.30 to 5.30pm week days and I could come and have a look but I could not take Gucci until they made all the necessary checks that she actually belonged to me.”

Ms Garcia left her work in tears of joy and drove all the way to the Canning pound hoping it was indeed Gucci.

“As soon as I saw her I knew and she knew as I called her name, she stopped her breath and just stared and I just burst into tears and she
just yelped in disbelief,” she said.

“I could not stop the happy tears and just wondered what the kids would say once I finally brought her home as they had never given up hope, especially Jasmin.

“The Canning Pound Rangers are just delightful and so very professional and helpful, we are very grateful.”

Gucci was found despite not being micro-chipped and didn’t have an identification tag.

She was all black, dirty and matted, her teeth were black and her claws were very long.

Ms Garcia believes someone took Gucci as her dog had never wondered that far away before and said she had a collar with her name on it, Ms Garcia’s name and a mobile number.

“I told the kids that probably some little old person who was lonely had picked her up as Gucci is such a friendly little lap dog and was looking after her,” she said.

“But one day she would dig her way out and come back home to us.” Ms Garcia said she wasn’t aware that Gucci wasn’t micro-chipped as they adopted her from family friends who were unable to house her when she was two year sold.

“We took her to the vet for regular vaccinations, check ups and worming tablets and the vet never discussed microchipping with us, so I guess I just never thought about it, so I take full responsibility for this,” she said.

“ I guess in the end, we were extremely lucky and fortunate that our story ended well.”

For more information about registering and micro-chipping your pet visit the city’s website.