A truly remarkable life

A truly remarkable life

Sister Canisius celebrates her 105th birthday with Edita Phillips, Katie Hughes, Lenuta Gligor, Andrew Miller and Mary Separovich. Photograph — Richard Polden.

Not everyone gets to celebrate 105 years but Sister Canisius is and the celebrations are only getting started.

Born in Croatia in December 1914 Katherine Mladinich entered the convent in March 1933.

“I wanted to give my life to God to serve him by helping others,” she said. Sister Canisius came to Australia in 1936 and still remembers arriving with 11 postulant Irish sisters.

Looking back Sister Canisius said she was proud of how the sisters have adapted to the present day.

“I am proud that I helped people, especially the poor, taught children and visited many families in need,” she said.

When asked what the secret of long life was Sister Canisius said helping others, eating healthy Croatian food and working at the hospital until she was 98 years old.

Family members and sisters describe her as always being a very generous woman.

“She is always available for anyone who is in need and for the sisters in her community,” they said.

“Sister Canisius has worked hard all of her life, she is loving and caring.”

Sister Canisius celebrated the day along with some of the sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition, residents and staff of Joseph Cooke and even had a visit from member for Riverton Mike Nahan.

The celebration started with old-time songs, which brought many good memories to Sister Canisius.