Grants to tackle graffiti

Grants to tackle graffiti

Police want to speak to this man about graffiti.

Local councils and community groups will have an opportunity to tackle graffiti vandal- ism with new grants of up to $15,000 offered by the State Government.

A total of the 12 most wanted graffiti vandal photos were released by WA Police last week with one from the Thornlie area.

The grants are part of the State Government’s commitment to safety and crime prevention and are available to develop and deliver projects to help address graffiti.

Some of the projects that could be funded under this grant include graffiti removal trailers, installation of public murals at graffiti hot spots and the application of anti-graffiti coatings.

City of Gosnells Mayor Glenn Dewhurst said the city provides WA Police with details of all graffiti removed.

He said the city also works with the Juvenile Justice Team and supported the juvenile clean-up program to ensure young offenders were aware of the consequences of their actions.

“Consistent world research shows that re- moving graffiti quickly is a good way to deter repeat attacks which is largely because graffiti culture is based on having others seeing the tags,” he said.

“Anyone building is advised to reduce the likelihood of having graffiti placed on a blank wall or a fence with high brick, timber and sheet fencing particularly vulnerable to graffiti.

“More open-style fencing and the planting of creepers or other plants such as bougainvillea along fence lines and walls can be good deterrents to graffiti.”

Police Minister Michelle Roberts said cleaning up graffiti cost the community millions of dollars every year.

“Unsightly graffiti on buildings and in our neighbourhoods is an eyesore and can make people feel unsafe,” she said.

“Police are doing their bit to disrupt and prosecute graffiti vandals.”

Anyone with information is asked to call the Goodbye Graffiti Hotline on 1800 442 255 or call Crime Stoppers on 131 444.