Severe weather warning

Severe weather warning

DFES Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Bradley Stringer and the Bureau of Meteorology's Neil Bennett address the media at a press conference in Gosnells. Photograph - Richard Polden.

Residents are being warned to prepare their homes against storm damage after a severe weather warning was issued for the weekend.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Bureau of Meteorology called a press conference at the Gosnells State Emergency Services Unit in Beckenham this morning (Thursday, June 6) to advise that a strong winter front is expected to bring damaging winds and heavy rain late on Saturday and into Sunday.

DFES Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Bradley Stringer is encouraging all residents to take precautions.

“We are urging residents to tie any loose items down in your yard, such as sheds and trampolines, clean your roof and gutters of leaves and debris and trim branches near your roof and power lines,” he said.

“Planning and preparation is the key to staying safe and reducing damage to your property.”

Every year from May to October, storm activity, including tornadoes, lightning, hail, flash flooding and gale forced winds cause major destruction to the southern half of WA.

During the 2018 storm season, State Emergency Services (SES) responded to 1149 requests for assistance.

If your home is hit badly by a storm and you cannot safely fix the damage yourself, call the SES for emergency assistance on 132 500.