Locals issue with hooning

Locals issue with hooning

Bedfordale Residents Association president Liz Reed and vice president Kat Jolley. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A residents’ group has decided enough is enough and are calling on the City of Armadale to do something to protect Bedfordale’s Springfield Reserve. 

Bedfordale Residents Association president Liz Reed said the group and surrounding neighbours have noticed many cars and off road vehicles have been hooning at the reserve particularly at night and causing extensive damage. 

She said the behaviour was not only dangerous but also scaring native wildlife. 

“Springfield Reserve was declared crown property in 2016 after local residents protested vigorously for some time to preserve it,” she said. 

“It is a beautiful space for people to congregate, walk, play, ride horses and enjoy nature. 

“The noise and damage is very concerning to those living in the area and the fact that cars have access to the back of some of the properties makes them more at risk for burglaries.”

With very few parks located in the Bedfordale area Mrs Reed said the group would like to see the city install signage in the area to deter the behaviour. 

“There is a proposal to fence off the area with wooden posts as has been done around some areas for Bungendore Park leaving space for horse float parking and some car parking and space for people and horses to access, but preventing cars.” 

City of Armadale chief executive Ray Tame said the city is aware the area was sometimes used by illegal off road vehicles and a ranger would be sent to investigate the issue when on patrol. 

“Off road vehicles are illegal to use on roads and council reserves,” he said. 

“Illegal operators of these vehicles could be infringed, prosecuted in court and have their vehicle impounded by the city rangers or the police.” 

Anyone with concerns about the reserve and the hoons is asked to call the city on 9394 5000.