A fond farewell after four decades

A fond farewell after four decades

Cecil Andrews College teacher Anne Lindorff with a collection of bookmarks she has collected in her 42-year teaching career. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

When Anne Lindorff first started her teaching career there was no such thing as computers, Internet or interactive whiteboards. 

Classrooms were filled with encyclopaedias, pens and paper, cassette players and microphones. 

Fast-forward 42 years and Mrs Lindorff has had to adjust to not only teaching the students how to use the new technology but also teach herself and her fellow staff by going to courses out of school hours and on holiday breaks.

“In the classroom the only audio visual tools we had when I first started at Cecil Andrews was 16mm film and a film projector,” she said. 

“Cassette tape recorders had only just come in and we would have microphones and have students talking on tape and doing presentations.” 

Mrs Lindorff first started her teaching career in 1976 at Bunbury Senior High, before being transferred to Rossmoyne Senior High and then to Maddington Senior High School, which is now called Yule Brook College. 

“At Maddington there were only 12 of us and it was just a salty hot pit of sand because they couldn’t get a freshwater bore,” she said.

“I was teaching social studies and was also involved in establishing the library before we moved into the official building in 1981.” 

Two years later Mrs Lindorff found herself at Cecil Andrews College and now 36 years later, she said she has never looked back. 

“As well as being the school librarian, I have taught many subjects including social studies, art, upper school law studies, English and home economics teaching year eight students how to cook,” she said. 

“In recent years, with the advancements in technology, I have taught robotics and the new digital technologies curriculum. 

“I have also been the coordinator of the school year book and produced eight year books for the students and run a homework club after school in the library.” 

During her extensive career, Mrs Lindorff has been through four curriculum revolutions and seen many talented teachers come and go, however at the end of this school year it is her time to say goodbye to her students as she heads into retirement. 

“I think it’s time for me to step back while I am still healthy.

“I am 63 so I have still got a few more years in me yet and I want to do stuff out there,” she said. 

“Its time to step away and hand over to the younger teachers.”