A taste of farm life

A taste of farm life

Stefanie O'Connell, Summer Verbruggen, Gabrielle Richards, Nanthethaa Navaneethakrishnan and Amrutha Ramakrishna.

A bus full of year five and six students had a first hand experience of life on a farm when they visited Kelmscott Senior High agriculture farm last week.

Gosnells Primary students were treated to an interactive tour of the school’s farm with Kelmscott High’s primary program coordinator Norm Hammond.

The tour included everything from milking and shearing demonstrations and lessons about farm machinery and their traditional uses.

Teacher Coreena Whyte said the experience showed the students how much of society’s everyday lives were influenced by agriculture and farming.

“By being involved in the Primary Agricultural Awareness program the students have been able to make the connection between the rural and city regions and the people, processes and products that are involved in the provision of our food and fibre needs,” she said.

“During the excursion students got to plant new plants in the vegetable gardens, use farming products to make scones, and visit, hold and feed different farm animals such as alpacas, chicks, rabbits, piglets, cows, sheep, goats and turkeys.”

According to Ms Whyte Gosnells Primary has taken part in visits to the farm since 1979 with students across all years learning about the different animals and farm practices.

A year one class will be attending the farm later this term.