Naming battle heats up

Naming battle heats up

The Serpentine Jarrahdale community are continuing with their campaign for the Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School name to remain the same. Photograph– Aaron Van Rongen.

Residents, foundation members and past students have upped the ante and recruited a legal team to look into the Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School board’s decision to change the school’s name.

The new name Court Grammar School was registered with the Department of Commerce on March 22 and was expected to become effective as of January 1, 2019.

The board’s decision was met with community disgust and resulted in an online petition and letters being sent to the school board as well as the formation of a 251-member Facebook group opposed to the change.

Foundation board member and past chairman for the Parents and Friends Association of Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School Rod Vogel said the group recruited a lawyer to look into the legality of the board’s proceedings.

“The school board has been very pigheaded about it all,” he said.

“The school has not listened to us at all.

“Everyone that wrote to the school received a blanketed response with a generic response.

“It’s like they have made up their minds and if you like it, you like it but if you don’t they don’t care.”

The school was contacted for comment but The Examiner was told the school would not make any further comments and that any news would be distributed via the school’s Facebook page or school newsletter.

The announcement to change the name was made on February 2 at an assembly in front of students, parents and board member Ken Court and his family.

Principal Patricia Rodrigues previously said in a statement she was excited about the change and felt honoured that the Court family chose the school to take on their name.

“Now the school has settled as a pre-kindergarten to year 12 school this change will only enhance the identity of our school,” she said.

“It is custom and practice for schools to have a name linked to a patron or historical figure and it is now time for us to take that step.”