Glass art fires up

Glass art fires up

Canning arts group secretary Manu Madan.
Canning arts group secretary Manu Madan.

The Canning arts group was one of the best equipped in Perth with its recent installation of a glass kiln.

Canning arts group secretary Manu Madan said the $5000 kiln would allow group members to sculpt and shape glass, which was an unusual option for WA arts groups.

“It works like a pottery kiln but you’re using glass and you can do anything with it,” she said.

“There are a few private studios and shops that have kilns but there aren’t very many in Perth.

“It’s not a dying art but there aren’t many of us around.

“Whatever you make a mould of you can make, we’ve made bowls, platters and one of our members has made a glass sculpture of a woman’s torso.”

Ms Madan said the group would soon start holding workshops and lessons using the kiln.

She said it would compliment their other painting, sculpting and pottery workshops, which were growing in popularity.

“We’re really expanding quickly and we’re a growing club,” she said.

“We have about 120 members and then we have a lot of organisations who are members as well but we’re always looking for more.”

The group was holding a demonstration evening on how to draw using charcoal on September 13 and 20.

For more information call 9457 9600 or visit