New cycling laws will not affect bus route

New cycling laws will not affect bus route

The Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) was approved by council.

The City of Canning chief executive has dismissed concerns that new bicycle overtaking laws could compromise a proposed bus service through the Cannington suburbs.

The city has proposed diverting buses off Albany Highway near Carousel and through the residential area to the south, cutting through a park area and eventually exiting on Manning Road.

It said the trip could cut up to three minutes off route times for buses heading to Curtin University, but last week a resident said new cyclist overtaking laws – which require vehicles to keep at least one metre distance when overtaking – could compromise any time savings.

Resident Wendy Meynert said due to the new law a cycle lane on Fleming Avenue, where there are regular islands that would prevent overtaking, could keep buses held up for long periods.

However Canning chief executive Arthur Kyron said cyclist activity on Fleming Avenue was not a concern.

“Fleming Avenue is a 10-metre wide road with a two metre wide median and a four metre wide carriageway on each side,” he said.

“The carriageway had a one metre wide shoulder in red asphalt which is used by cyclists – it is not a formal cycle lane.

“There are many roads in the City of Canning that have a similar road geometry and currently have bus services running along them.

“The Public Transport Authority has not identified any issues with the new one-metre passing cycling law along any of the city’s roads that have bus services.”

Mr Kyron said if the route were approved at the December 18 council meeting, none of the affected roads would need to be widened.