Judo star off to nationals

Judo star off to nationals

Jordan Boxell is set to represent the state in June.

Southern River College student Jordan Boxell is off to the eastern states to represent WA in the National Judo Championships in June.

A judo enthusiast since the age of 10 Jordan has been training for six years at the Gosnells PCYC Judo Club and for the last four years with the UWA Judo Club.

He is currently a brown belt and is aiming to achieve his black belt over the next few years, but for now he is undertaking three gruelling training sessions a week in preparation for the Nationals.

Jordan has achieved a lot in his judo career having previously won a swag of medals and trophies at local and state competitions.

He is also an assistant judo coach at the Gosnells PCYC and has received grants from the Australian Institute of Sport.

Gosnells coach Ian Weaver said for the nationals Jordan would be aiming to go in the u60 division.

“Currently he’s working 63kg,” he said.

“So working hard on a strict diet plan to lose the few kilos.

“Otherwise he will be put in the u66kg division.”

Mr Weaver said Jordan trained three times a week.

“Saturday’s is strength and conditioning training,” he said.

The training consists of three hours of sprints, beep tests, climbing ropes, push ups, planking and squats.

Jordan also received a grant from the Australian Institute of Sport to help with cost of flights and accommodation.

He will also receive a smaller local council grant to help with other costs involved in travelling to Queensland.