Frothy end for milk truck joyrider

Frothy end for milk truck joyrider

About $7500 worth of milk was damaged or spilled as a result of the Camillo man’s alleged joyride.

A 28-year-old Camillo man has been charged with a raft of offences after he allegedly stole a milk truck in Bentley and took it on a rampage through several inner Perth suburbs on Saturday.

About 4.55am a person on a milk delivery round was parked at a supermarket on Hill View Place, Bentley when a man entered the truck and drove off.

Police found milk and milk crates strewn across a number of roads but the truck could not be located.

Numerous calls were made to police about a white truck driving erratically in the southeast metropolitan district with several police cars sent to track it down.

Three hours later a member of the public reported a truck matching the description had struck a traffic light pole at the corner of Charles Street and Vincent Street in North Perth.

Police found the truck on Hill View Terrace in St James and monitored it as it drove through several suburbs.

Police tried to stop the truck but the driver continued driving at low speeds heading towards East Victoria Park.

The truck was abandoned near a business on Oats Street, East Victoria Park after a tyre deflation device was used.

The driver was detained a short time later.

About $7500 worth of milk was either spilled from the truck or was damaged.

The man was charged with 14 offences including stealing the truck and its contents, reckless driving, endangering life and giving false personal details.

Further inquiries were being made into other potential incidents involving the truck and other vehicles.