Youth health issues a focus for Caleb

Youth health issues a focus for Caleb

Member for Riverton Dr Mike Nahan and Riverton’s 2020 Youth Parliament member Caleb Adams.

A 16-year-old student said he is ready to make a difference at this year’s Riverton Youth Parliament.

Perth Modern School year 11 student Caleb Adams said he saw this as an opportunity to become involved in social change.

“Through my time in youth parliament, my main aims are to gain a greater understanding of the legislative system in Western Australia and gain a greater understanding of the problems facing the youth in WA and raise issues on a bigger level,” he said.

“My main ideas are focused on bettering youth mental health and community involvement through free community sport as it keeps people focused and healthy.

“Also in regards to the Riverton electorate, a big issue is Roe 8, and this needs to be addressed.

“I am hoping that from this experience I will become a greater advocate for youth issues in the broader community.”

From November 27 to October 2, the 25th Western Australian YMCA Youth Parliament will be providing participants a taste of the parliamentary process.

The program aims to educate, empower and encourage young people to take an active role in their community.

Students also engage in various education and preparation programmes before embarking on the life of a Member of Parliament for a week.

Member for Riverton Dr Mike Nahan met with his Youth Parliament equivalent earlier this month and said he enjoyed meeting Caleb to discuss his interests and the parliamentary agenda.

“Youth Parliament provides students with the opportunity to generate new ideas for Western Australia, scrutinise legislation and engage in lively debate,” he said.

“Caleb has a passion for the environment and hopes to help drive environmental policy during this year’s Youth Parliamentary sittings.

“I was delighted to sponsor his attendance to this year’s Youth Parliament and I hope that he enjoys sitting in the big seat for the week and making the tough decisions.”