“To care for others is called humanity”

“To care for others is called humanity”

Members of the Dada Bhagwan group in Perth Harsh Amin, White shirt Sunil Shah.

Caring for others whilst spreading peace and harmony is exactly what members of the Dada Bhagwan Foundation are doing during the health crisis.

A team of 80 volunteers at Dada Bhagwan community group in Perth have donated 4,137 meals in an initiative that started on March 23.

It all came about when the possibility of a lock down was being mentioned and panic buying was at its peak.

It was then that the community group decided to provide freshly cooked meals free of charge to people struggling financially, elderly, immune-compromised members, international students and health care workers.

Members of the community group joined forces with Amba Foods WA which caters wholesome vegetarian meals, consisting of curry and rice.

Additionally, volunteers prepared Chinese stir fry vegetables with rice, vegetable pasta, Thai green curry and have received the help from other businesses who donated sandwiches and pizza.

‘To care for others is called humanity’ said Dada Bhagwan, known as the spiritual leader of the Dada Bhagwan Foundation, which is what volunteer Hiten Shah hopes to pass on to others through this initiative.

“The core team and volunteers who have joined our team feel grateful that we could all give back to the community during this very testing and historic time,” he said.

Mr Shah also told The Examiner about the importance of identifying the most vulnerable during this time, including international students.

“We realised it was important to help students who come from other countries and are stuck in Perth without job opportunities to help manage their expenses and also no family to help them in this difficult period.

“We felt that we couldn’t help in any other way, but the least we could do is, provide them a meal each day and let them know that they are not alone.”

Deliveries run from Monday to Sunday across 10 different councils, including suburbs within the Cities of Gosnells, Canning and Armadale.

So far, the group has had more than 180 families contacted them in the hope of receiving comfort and support through their meals.

“I have heard of many individuals and groups that have done different things to help the community, and this is the time to do so,” Mr Shah said.

“We are not quite out of the difficulty yet, as the financial burden is yet to come.

“So, let’s support and help each other, let’s bring humanity to the forefront and shine.”