This is one lucky kitty

This is one lucky kitty

Five-week-old fluffball Jaye was rescued from a drain in a marathon six-hour operation.

Curiosity did not kill the cat on Tuesday, with a five-week-old kitten rescued from a drain in Welshpool in a mammoth six-hour operation.

Warehouse workers in Welshpool had been hearing a kitten cry but couldn’t locate it, so they called the RSPCA.

An RSPCA Inspector set about trying to rescue the as yet unseen ball of fluff from a drain on the site but soon discovered she’d need more help.

The inspector started to call plumbing companies and finally struck gold with Tunnel Vision who volunteered their workforce, time and specialist equipment to help locate the kitten.

The kitten was spotted on camera, and the warehouse staff kindly agreed to have their pavers pulled up to give better access the drain.

At this point everyone was just crossing their fingers the kitten was alive and well. It was a massive relief to hear her little meows.

The inspector was then able to manoeuvre her cat net to capture the kitten and lift her to safety.

The grey and white marvel has been fully vet checked and is in good health.

She’ll stay in RSPCA WA foster care until she’s old enough and strong enough to be adopted.

She’s been christened Jaye after the kind-hearted receptionist at Tunnel Vision who answered the phone call and agreed to help without hesitation.

Tunnel Vision general manager Chris Pember said Jaye immediately called him after speaking to the RSPCA.

“Jaye called me to ask if we were comfortable with sending some workers out free of charge, and that was a very easy decision to make for us and it was a good resolution to rescue the kitten,” he said.

“There’s been a lot of interest around the office about adopting the cat, even my two girls at home asked if we could adopt Jaye after I told them the story, and we’ve already got three kittens.

“Probably the only person who cant adopt Jaye is Jaye herself – she lives in an apartment so no pets.”

If you are interested in adopting Jaye, contact the RSPCA.