Teacher is shaving her hair to raise funds

Teacher is shaving her hair to raise funds

Teacher is shaving her hair to raise funds
Cherie Barron. “Please get behind me as I prepare to shave it all off and donate to this amazing cause.”

A Mt Richon teacher is shaving her hair to raise funds for Perth Children’s Hospital, after being inspired by medical staff while undergoing lifesaving brain surgery as a teenager.

Cherie Barron was living the life of any normal 15-year-old when persistent headaches began to plague her.

After multiple visits to her GP failed to uncover the source of her pain, she was finally referred for a CT scan and the results were shocking.

“I went for a CT scan and then got rushed to my GP, who rushed me to PMH, and I had emergency surgery that night,” Cherie said.

“I remember my surgeon coming into ED, I was laughing with my dad and my neurosurgeon said, ‘how the hell are you still conscious, you should be blind and fitting. We’re going to send you in tonight because you will be dead next week otherwise’.”

Diagnosed with a cyst in her brain that medical staff suspected had been there since birth, Cherie underwent four brain surgeries over a period of months to save her life.

“Basically, I have a cyst in my brain that is filling with spinal fluid,” Cherie said.

“When they did the scan, the cyst measured 10cm in diameter. My cerebellum and my optical nerve were being squished.

“Basically, the biggest thing in my brain was the cyst.”

Too large and complicated to remove, Cherie still lives with the cyst, which requires a shunt to drain, and may require further surgery in the future.

While in care and recovery from surgery, a nurse and a PCA at the hospital shaved off their hair to raise money for the kids in care – an example Cherie vowed to one day follow.

Seven years ago, Cherie took up the challenge, shaving her head in the Children’s Ward at Princess Margaret Hospital.

“It was a big endeavour but it was really worth it. My hair is long enough to do it again now and I really want to inspire my students,” she said.

That plan will come to fruition on the last day of term on April 6, when Cherie will submit herself to the clippers in front of her students in the hopes of reaching her goal of $5000.

“Students who have donated will go into a draw to shave part of my hair off,” she said.

“If we raise more than $5000, I can wear a mohawk for the day.

“It’s about supporting the families, that’s what I want to get across.

“If everyone put $20 towards it, we could raise so much.”

To donate to Cherie’s fundraiser, visit https://fundraisefor.pchf.org.au/fundraisers/cheriebarron