Resident’s public statement refused by Gosnells mayor

Resident’s public statement refused by Gosnells mayor

The absence of the City of Gosnells councillor Julie Jones continues to be questioned.

The absence of the City of Gosnells councillor Julie Jones continues to be questioned but during the council’s regular meeting on June 23 mayor David Goode denied a member of the public the right to make statement, which he described as vexatious.

Local resident Sandy Baraiolo had previously spoken during council meetings about the fact that councillor Jones is currently residing and working as a real estate agent in Melbourne since November 2019, while maintaining her position in the Gosnells council.

“I don’t understand how anything that I wrote was vexatious,” she said.

“Everything written in there is factual and truthful information.

“This is about questioning the morals of this situation.”

Councillor Jones who previously produced a statement in response to Ms Baraiolo’s,
said most councillors including her were available to the public through Facebook, mobile
phones, Instagram or email, especially in the current climate.

“Given all the various mediums of communication open to us it does mean that living
within the council in which you serve is not required and it can still be done effectively,” she said.

“Even the act does not state you need to live within the council to which you are elected.

“Given my situation I am working harder than ever to prove myself.

“I firmly believe that we need to stop indulging in personal attacks and that it is never,
ever okay to think that this is acceptable behaviour.

“I am proud to be an active member of this council and the many fantastic achievements
that we have done.”

Ms Baraiolo said she never intended to attack, nor tried to persecute councillor Jones, as mentioned in her statement of

“This it is about the situation on what I believe is morally and ethically unacceptable to us the ratepayers,” she said.

“The City of Gosnells population demographic are hardworking people, sadly, due to Covid-19 many people out there in ratepayer land have lost jobs, many are struggling
financially some have lost their homes.

“It is my opinion she should resign as taking money from ratepayers when living and
working in another state is morally and ethically wrong.

“Councillor Jones suggests she can be contacted by Facebook, mobile phone, email, and
Instagram the city demographics indicate that over 52 per cent are over the age of 50 and possibly do not have access to the forms of communication suggested by councillor Jones.”

Councillor Olwen Searle said she was also disappointed that a member of the public was not allowed to read out a public statement.

“I could agree with your ruling if everything that was in this person’s statement had
been said before,” she said.

“But when I look at it there are things that have not been read before.

“These sort of statements in my opinion need to be aired and they need to be addressed.”