Residents fight to protect Cannington Claypan

Residents fight to protect Cannington Claypan

Canning residents Ian Hanlon, Jackie Hanlon, Collette Bishop, Stephen Johnston, Marie Kerr, Sian Mawson, Ronnie Calder, and Jo Stone.

A handful of Canning residents are speaking out against plans to bulldoze and build a road over the Cannington Claypan.

The claypan, known to be a threatened ecological community, is a 6.2-hectare bushland area bounded by the Western Power electrical substation, Lake St, Bent St, and Grose Avenue.

The final stage (Stage 3) of the Southern Link Road project is expected to create a link over the claypan – between Gerard Street and Grey St.

Volunteers from the Friends of the Queens Park Bushland and Canning River Regional Park are now calling for the proposal to be rejected.

CRRP field officer/advisory committee member Jo Stone said the proposal goes against at least six of the ten clearing principles for native vegetation, under Schedule 5 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Ms Stone also said it goes against the City of Canning’s Local Biodiversity Strategy and the Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan.

“The claypan is the only one of its kind in the metropolitan area,” she said.

“The City of Canning is re-negging on its own biodiversity strategy.

“I think it’s very sad that the City of Canning does not wish to recognise this very unique area for all its worth.”

A City of Canning spokesperson said the city was determined to protect the claypan whilst supporting the community’s interests.

“The proposed new road has been realigned from its original position and narrowed to limit the impact on the claypan,” they said.

“The city is proposing to address all impacts by monitoring hydrology, preventing weeds, enhancing fauna habitat, and rehabilitating degraded areas.

“The city has prepared a range of environmental studies which are currently under assessment by the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment to determine the environmental impact of the proposal.

“The construction of Stage 3 of the Southern Link Road can only occur if environmental approvals and land acquisition are achieved.”

The spokesperson added that the Southern Link Road project was part of a “strategic transport objective”.

“The completion of this link will ultimately provide a direct north-south connection between Orrong Road and Albany Highway,” they said.

“It will accommodate projected traffic growth in the Canning City Centre, where an additional 25,000 residents are expected over time.

“It will also support the future development of the Queens Park and East Cannington communities.”