Project set to boost jobs

Project set to boost jobs

An artist’s impression of the Outer Harbour, which is crucial to generate employment and education according to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is one of six councils to have joined the Southern Corridor Alliance calling for the development of the Outer Harbour in Kwinana.

The project is crucial to generate employment for Serpentine Jarrahdale residents and create a pathway towards education, according to the council.

Shire president John Erren said the Outer Harbour would open doors to employment and education opportunities across the Southern Corridor.

“Our community is set to welcome nearly 100,000 new residents by 2050,” he said.

“We will have to create around 45,000 new jobs within the area or proximity to ensure a thriving and balanced community with access to local employment opportunities.”

Serpentine Jarrahdale residents had identified improving connectivity with Perth and Peel and expanding access to employment and education opportunities as the key priorities for the future prosperity of the region.

Mr Erren said one of the greatest barriers to further education in the community was the distance from and lack of connectivity to major activity centres.

“The development of the Outer Harbour will help to establish these pathways by creating more than 87,000 direct and indirect employment opportunities, and improving road infrastructure that links homes and jobs,” he said.

Mr Erren said the direct infrastructure benefits to the shire would be the extension of Tonkin Highway, the realignment of the freight railway and the West Mundijong Industrial Precinct.

“More than 65 per cent of Serpentine Jarrahdale residents already have to travel outside the shire for work every day, with just 4.4 per cent of them using public transport to get to their destination,” he said.

“The development of the Outer Harbour will include vital upgrades to key roads to reduce congestion, and the diversion of heavy freight will make transport links safer, faster and better able to connect our growing community.”