Thinking of volunteering? Think Neighbourhood Watch

Thinking of volunteering? Think Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch
Gosnells Neighbourhood Watch members Terry Brown, Eddy Bhullar and Neville Raxworth with (front) Sharon Whiteside and Brian Cully.

Gosnells Neighbourhood Watch is in desperate need of volunteers, with membership at an all-time low.

Vice chairperson Sharon Whiteside said that including the six-member committee, the group had just 10 members.

She believes it is the perceived commitment, combined with COVID, that is keeping membership down.

“I think it’s due to COVID, a lot of people have gone back to the workforce, particularly in health,” she said.

“The other thing is people don’t understand that we only need a couple of hours a month.

“I work full-time and I still manage to volunteer, and we do a lot of events that we need volunteers for, but it’s only a couple of hours a month, I think people think it’s more involved than it actually is.

“When you think of volunteering maybe you don’t think of Neighbourhood Watch but it’s absolutely a great cause.”

Running out of the Resource Centre at Maddington Shopping Centre, Sharon said the group had a win at an anti-theft screws event at a local Bunnings.

“That was a huge success, working in conjunction with Police, and we’ve been told that vehicle crime is down and we’d like to think we played a part in that.”

To get involved, call the Resource Centre on 9493 3311.