Local author twists and turns in latest novel

Local author twists and turns in latest novel

Novelist Dan Churach with his latest book Fever Photograph — Richard Polden.

American export and proud West Australian Dan Churach has just released his third fiction novel with an environmental theme and two more are on the way this year.

Finding inspiration to write fiction for 30 years doesn’t sound easy but the Leeming resident has spent a good portion of his career in academia helping him write fiction that comes from a place of truth.

Having spent a career as a university lecturer and a high school teacher, Mr Churach believes that a good teacher must be a good storyteller.

His latest release Fever acts as a tale of tension and intrigue triggered by several terrorist events that befall Australia.

The thriller unravels as you travel to America, through Southeast Asia and even Fremantle, in a series of twists and turns that quickly develop into fast-paced action.

“All of this acts as a great vehicle to spin a tale and yet speak of real science,” he said.

“I have wanted, via the form of creative novels, to better communicate scientific reality and its impact on humans.

“I particularly didn’t want to write limited science fiction since I don’t believe that reaches a broader audience.”

Mr Churach describes the book in one sentence as “Earth seems to have an infection and not unlike we humans, may be experiencing a fever trying to rid itself of its malady.”

Mr Churach is not stopping with Fever as he is looking forward to releasing Dreams and Eight by late September and early October.

Visit Dan Churach’s website for more information.