Cats strut their stuff

Cats strut their stuff

Pamela Lanigan with two-year-old blue British shorthair Kelly who was named supreme cat at last year’s Perth Royal Show. Photograph — Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Cat lovers can enjoy a perfect day out when the British Shorthair Cat Club presents its third annual cat show in Byford this Saturday.

Pamela Lanigan who runs the club said the show would feature about 100 cats from a number of different breeds on display and being judged.

“We’ll have lots of breeds there from ragdoll to the British short hair, Maine Coon and even a sphinx, which is the hairless one,” she said.

“Each breed of cat has a separate standard and they’ll be judged against what would be the ideal version of their breed.

“At the end of the judging they’re ranked according to which one is closest to that ideal standard.

“Those cats then compete with the cats from the other categories for the overall best.”

She said the club had been running for about four years.

“The attraction to the club actually isn’t the cats – obviously you’re passionate about them but as far as the shows go it’s the social side of things,” she said.

“It’s a really good way to meet people who like the same things as you and I’ve met some of my best friends through the hobby.”

The show will be held from 10am to 3pm at the Kingia Function Room at the Serpentine Jarrahdale Recreation Centre in Mead Street.

Admission is through a gold coin donation at the door and there will also be a raffle.


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