Candidates go head to head over transport

Candidates go head to head over transport

Transport Minister Bill Marmion and Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson standing on Mead Street.

Transport Minister Bill Marmion joined Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson on Monday morning to make two announcements ahead of the March 11 state election.

Mr Marmion said if re-elected the government would commit $20,000 for the undercover bus shelter at Roleystone College.

The shelter would be an undercover area over a stretch of footpath along Brooks Road where students currently have to stand in the sun or rain to wait for the bus.

Mr Marmion also said if re-elected the Liberal government would contribute $75,000 for the construction of a road between Abernethy Road and Mead Street to improve access to the Byford Secondary College and Salvado College.

“Abernethy Road is really busy,” he said.

“It is important for drivers to have a safe road to drop the kids of so they don’t have to worry about cars speeding along.

“Abernethy Road is a major arterial road and having a linked road joining Abernethy and Mead makes it easier for the kiss and drop.”

Mr Simpson said access between Abernethy Road and Mead Street for drop off and pick up had been continually raised with him by parents.

“I have discussed the issue with principals at Byford Secondary and Salvado College,” he said.

“I also discussed it with the Department of Education, Catholic Education and the shire who all support the idea.

“Providing an access road between schools will provide a safe school drop off point making is easier for mums and dads and safer for the kids.”

Labor candidate for Darling Range Barry Urban made no comment about Mr Simpson’s commitment to Abernethy and Mead Street.

He said Labor’s first transport priorities included extending the Armadale rail line to Byford and removing the Denny Avenue rail crossing.

“These projects are part of an integrated transport system, something missing from the current government’s planning,” he said.

“Further individual road projects will be considered as part of systematic planning for transport in government.”

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