Beauty for a cause

Beauty for a cause

Alannah Bayliss, 20, is a finalist in a beauty pageant, which she says is empowering and has helped her overcome anxiety. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

For many, beauty pageants are associated with tiaras, sashes, and even a sense of superficiality but for Gosnells resident Alannah Bayliss it is about confidence, female empowerment and making a difference.

The 20-year-old is currently a national finalist competing in Miss Global Australia and Miss Intercontinental Australia.

The competition, also known as the Aussie Power Pageant, will see the winner crowned later this year.

As part of the competition Ms Bayliss is using her profile as a contestant to raise money for Compassion Australia, a charity which promotes awareness about children living in poverty.

Ms Bayliss, who is sponsoring a child, said Compassion Australia was a great cause.

“They work they do is amazing,” she said.

“I’m so lucky to be able to help someone.”

Ms Bayliss said she first competed in Miss Teen Galaxy in 2013 in which she was the second runner up.

She said many people have the wrong idea about beauty pageants.

“Many think people in beauty pageants are really mean and gossip,” she said.

“It’s not like that.

“I have made really good friends over the years and one of my best friends also competes and we compete together which is great.

“As for the gossip, I stay away from all of that.”

Ms Bayliss said she would encourage girls to compete in beauty pageants.

“It’s not the stereotype,” she said.

“Competing has given me a lot of confidence and helped me overcome issues like anxiety.

“I remember I was so nervous going into the first time but then I just loved it.”

Ms Bayliss said she would tell young girls to not be afraid to try something new and different because it could change their lives.

“Put yourself out there,” she said.

“Get out of your comfort zone and you never know, it could be the best thing you ever do.”

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