Animals left alone

Animals left alone

Maureen and Bill Hipworth are heartbroken about the abandoned pets. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A distraught Gosnells couple contacted Examiner Newspapers in the hope of raising awareness about abandoned pets.

Maureen and Bill Hipworth’s neighbours allegedly left two cats and a dog at their Gosnells home without any food or water.

Mrs Hipworth said she and her husband have been caring for the animals for the past two weeks.

“They are all alone,” she said.

“We can’t find the dog anymore and for all we know he could be dead under the pile of mattresses in the backyard.”

Mrs Hipworth said she and her husband used a ladder to see over the fence and throw food to the animals.

The couple, who are both RSPCA members, said they found the experience saddening.

“We don’t know what’s going on,” Mrs Hipworth said.

“We have no idea if the people will come back and we don’t know for how much longer the animals can survive all by themselves.”

Mr Hipworth said it was cruel to go away and leave pets all by themselves.

“Without water they will die,” he said.

“This is just not right.”

The couple contacted the RSPCA and said when the officers inspected the property they placed stickers on it informing the owners of the house they had abandoned their pets.

On Tuesday afternoon RSPCA spokeswoman Hannah Mattock said there were certain rules and regulations which had to be followed in the case of seemingly abandoned pets.

“We can’t just go in and take them away,” she said.

“We have rules to follow.”

Ms Mattock said RSPCA officers visited the Gosnells property on May 31 and left water and food for the animals.

“They visited again on June 2,” she said.

“They’ve left more food and water.”

Ms Mattock said it was a good sign the stickers had been removed from the property as it showed someone was around.

After repeated calls to the RSPCA by Examiner Newspapers, RSPCA CEO David van Ooran issued a statement saying an RSPCA inspector attended the Gosnells property late yesterday.

“RSPCA WA Inspector attended the property today and the owners, the dogs and one cat are no longer there.

“RSPCA WA is working with Department of Housing to get more information and will try to locate the owners to follow up.

“The Inspector has set a trap for the remaining cat and has asked the neighbours to monitor it and call him when the cat sets it off. He will then collect the cat and bring it to the RSPCA Animal Care Centre in Malaga to assess it.”

“RSPCA WA relies on vigilant community members as their eyes and ears on the ground, to report cases of neglect and cruelty. We encourage anyone who witnesses animals in need to contact the RSPCA Cruelty Hotline on 1300 CRUELTY (278 3589),” he said.