Byford ANZAC Day services

Byford ANZAC Day services

Residents in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale taking part in the ANZAC Day events from previous years.

Residents of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale can observe ANZAC Day commemorations on April 25 starting with a dawn service from 5.45am.

The service will be at ANZAC Crescent Memorial Park on the corner of Mead Street and Doley Road in Byford.

It will be followed by a gunfire breakfast served by the Oakford Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.

Prior to a commemorative service at 9am there will be a processional march from 8.30am which will start at Gallipoli Avenue.

Morning tea will be served at 10am.

Shire president John Erren said the shire, Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL and community groups have worked closely with one another to plan the special events.

“Community gatherings like this involve a lot of work on the ground and careful consideration in order to be successful,” he said.

“Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL, officers and community representatives have put a lot of time and effort into our annual ANZAC Day services in the past and 2017 is no exception.

“We are grateful for the guidance and expertise of the Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL and we’d also like to thank other community groups and organisations for their continued support of his important occasion.”