in it for the laughs

in it for the laughs

Canning Vale resident Matt Storer gets ready to make audiences laugh at the Perth Comedy Festival.

Since winning both the WA RAW Comedy and Funny Faces competition in 2014, Canning Vale resident Matt Storer is set to take on audiences at the Perth Comedy Festival which runs from April 26 until May 21.

The 23-year-old said he started writing jokes as a teenager just for fun but when he won the competitions in 2014 he was encouraged to turn his jokes into something more.

Mr Storer said he sometimes forgets what he does is quite crazy but he enjoys it.

“I am definitely always creating new stuff,” he said.

“The performing becomes easier but creating new material is the challenge because every time you are creating something it is for the first time.

“Despite the challenge I really enjoy it.”

Mr Storer said like many artists looking for inspiration, he tries not to actively seek it.

“I’m inspired when I’m trying not to be inspired,” he said.

“I sometimes go for a walk or listen to some music and it just comes to me.”

Mr Storer said everyone knows someone who is funny but the key to being successful on stage was confidence.

“There are different kinds of funny,” he said.

“You have to know what you are comfortable with, know you’re stuff well and just go out there and do it.”

Mr Storer said heckling was part and parcel of being a comedian but there were two kinds of hecklers.

“There are those who heckle in good humour and make the show great,” he said.

“Then there are those who disrupt everyone.”

Mr Storer said he is looking forward to the Perth Comedy Festival and having been on the circuit for some time now is heading into it with confidence and excitement.

“I don’t want to give too much away,” he said.

“I’m hoping this will be my best one yet.”

For more information about the Perth Comedy Festival or to buy tickets visit