App will help beat fire threat

App will help beat fire threat

Hugh Jones MLA is asking residents to get a plan in place in case of emergency.

As the mercury rises and Perth’s dry summer heat sets in, bushfire readiness is at the top of Member for Darling Range Hugh Jones’ mind, and he is encouraging residents to take the steps necessary to ensure they are prepared in case of an emergency.

Residents of Darling Range can enter a draw for a $50 voucher by simply completing their plan on the My Bushfire Plan app and sending a screenshot to Mr Jones’ office before Monday, January 16.

“My small promotion is about raising awareness of the application and to encourage people to spend the 15 minutes required to complete the questionnaire,” Mr Jones said.

“The My Bushfire Plan app is very important as dangerous bushfires can start at any time and can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation for residents, and their safety will depend on how prepared they are and the decisions they make.

“I implore residents to learn and understand the Fire Danger Ratings and Bushfire Warning levels and to seriously consider the preparations they will make for each scenario.

“Residents may not be home when a bushfire occurs and may not be able to return home safely, have they secured their important documents and keepsakes, how will their pets and livestock be kept safe?

“Having a plan will save lives and valuables and will also make the job of our first responders so much easier, allowing them to focus on fighting the fire rather than managing large numbers of residents who are panicked and taking ill-considered risks.”

Residents of Darling Range have until 8.30am on Monday, January 16 to send a screenshot of their completed plan to to go into the draw to win a $50 voucher.