BBQ time in Gosnells

BBQ time in Gosnells

Local residents are thrilled their bid for a local barbecue has been approved, despite resistance from City officers. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen

A group of residents surrounding Mabel Davis Park are over the moon after City of Gosnells councillors disregarded an officer’s recommendation and approved barbecue facilities for the park.

On February 8, a 104-signature petition was presented to council from Brabham Street resident Karry Lee-Anne Fisher, calling on the City to install a BBQ facility with chairs, table and rubbish bins for residents in the catchment area of Lawrence and Brabham Street and Windsor Drive.

In considering the proposal at March 8’s council meeting, an officers’ report recommended its refusal.

“The City’s Guide to Park Hierarchy and Infrastructure does not recommend the provision of barbecues in local parks such as Mabel Davies Park,” the report read.

“Barbecues are recommended for Regional and District parks, and optional for Neighbourhood Parks.

“The nearest Neighbourhood Parks in the suburb of Gosnells are Miocevich Park, John Okey Davis Park and Chelsfield Park.

“None of these parks have barbecue facilities.

“The nearest parks with barbecues are Walter Padbury Park to the west and Civic Centre Gardens to the east.

“New barbecues will be provided at Homestead Park in Thornlie as part of the current redevelopment.

“Although additional barbecue facilities may be warranted in the Gosnells/Thornlie area, Mabel Davies Park would not be the preferred location as it is a local park with limited access and supporting infrastructure.”

However, councillor Serena Williamson moved a motion to approve the park, noting that barbecue facilities in this location would be consistent with Council Policy 1.1.14, which seeks to enhance Canning and Southern Rivers and their surrounds in a way that improves opportunities for the community to enjoy these environments.

Cr Williamson’s motion was carried unanimously, with $18,000 in funding for the facilities to be included in the 2022/23 budget.