“The best day ever”

“The best day ever”

Year four students, Elise Hatton, Sarah Ranjkech, Silvanus Chong, Ash Zurubrussel and Abbey Wee. Photograph - Richard Polden

Students at Rossmoyne Primary School celebrated Science Week last week by building a colourful ice castle.

Each student in the school brought in an ice-cream container of solid ice, and used pool salt to stick the ice bricks together with a team of parent helpers on board.

More than 480 ice blocks were used to build the castle.

Some blocks were decorated with flowers and leaves as well as food colouring for a spectacular effect.

Teacher Monique Hill said theme for Science Week was Food: Different by Design.

“An ice castle really focussed on what crops need to produce food and how salinity can affect crops,” she said.

“We also looked at how scientists work around these issues in areas of the world to modify and produce food for their populations.”

Saltwater freezes at a lower temperature, so adding salt between bricks makes some ice melt and absorb heat in the process.

The area around it then cools and freezes water molecules, sticking them to the ice blocks.

The castle was complete with a resident snowman and flags made by students from room 10.

Evan, from room eight said the day was not only informative, but also great fun.

“I think the best part of the day was when the ice blocks stuck together and then when it melted. I thought it was the best day ever,” he said.

Evan’s fellow classmate, James said he was stunned when the project finally came together.

“I liked it when the Ice Castle was done and we could go inside with the snowman. It was amazing,” James said.

The school said they wanted to thank Deb Holtmeulen, Nousha Sas, Neil Critchley and other parent helpers for making the day possible.