How do you eat ice cream, or cry, in outer space?

How do you eat ice cream, or cry, in outer space?


Australian Christian College Darling Downs participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime, which is held yearly through the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).

Activities included wearing space costumes, entering a colouring competition, and reading the same book as thousands of children around Australia.

This year the featured book was “Give Me Some SPACE!” by Philip Bunting, an

Australian author, and was read by astronaut Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station.

Through a special video online Dr Walker read the book to thousands across Australia, at the same time as part of a unique addition to the national event.

The students were amazed when Dr Walker floated up and the book was suspended in the air.

“I’ve recently been watching YouTube clips because I’m really interested in how people eat ice cream and cry in space,” a year five student said.

Another year four student thought the book was unusual and special, because it was something new, combining fiction with facts.

Principal at ACC in Darling Downs, Mrs Burrage, encourages children to read for both enjoyment and finding information.

“We want our children to love reading, so we celebrate books in creative and fun ways,” she said.

“The more children read, the better their learning in so many areas.”