Fishermen detrimental to Wadjup Point: CCREPA

Fishermen detrimental to Wadjup Point: CCREPA

Canning River Residents Environment Protection Association volunteers Madeline Radestock and Sue Stanley. Photograph - Aaron Van Rogen.

Local volunteers and community groups are again urging everyone in Shelley, Rossmoyne, and surrounds to be more considerate.

A large bundle of fishing line was found in sedges at Wadjup Point late last month, in an area fenced off to the public.

Canning River Residents Environment Protection Association (CRREPA) foreshore co-ordinator Sue Stanley said she and her fellow volunteers were outraged.

“The bundle that I found last month would have been 10-or-so metres’ worth…it was quite a large chunk,” she said.

“It’s a bit scary to think about what sort of damage it could have done to birds, dolphins etc. in the area.

“It’s something that could easily have been picked up and thrown in the bin…it’s a bit unfair that the people responsible couldn’t even do that.”

Ms Stanley and the other volunteers spend many hours picking up litter, hooks, and bundles of fishing line along the Shelley Foreshore.

“We regularly find chunks of fishing line in trees, along the shoreline etc…it’s not good,” she said.

“There are dedicated fishing bins along the foreshore…some of them get used, but not a lot.”

Over the past few months, many people have been spotted fishing within fenced-off/protected areas along the foreshore.

“You do not need to jump over any fences to fish in the river…there are plenty of open areas along for the foreshore for public use,” Ms Stanley advised.

Ms Stanley and co. are now pleading with all community members to treat the foreshore, and its wildlife, with more respect.

“Please take your fishing line, bait bags etc. with you when you leave…we do not need any plastics in the river,” she said.

“Also, please do not damage the vegetation.”