Ironing out postnatal depression

Ironing out postnatal depression

Heidi Elliott is ironing clothes to raise money. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A local mother is offering to iron clothes to raise money for Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services, after suffering from post-natal depression.

Heidi Elliott lives in Mount Nasura and has experienced postnatal depression since the birth of her daughter early last year.

Ms Elliott said she wants to fundraise to help services similar to the one that helped during her time of need.

“I saw one of the local community groups asking for people interested in volunteering,” she said.

“I’ve had postnatal depression myself and I’ve been seeing the Raphael Services which is a similar thing.

“I actually really like ironing, I find it really relaxing.

“It helps to use up some of that nervous energy I get with anxiety.”

Ms Elliott was grateful for the support she received after having her baby that she wanted to combine it with her outlet, ironing.

“I know ironing is a job most people don’t like and I’m happy to donate all the proceeds.”

“Even after just one appointment with Raphael Services I felt so much better, so if I can do that for someone else… it really does make a big difference.”

The women’s health and wellbeing service is a not for profit organisation located in Gosnells that provides services for women, families and children to support their mental and emotional health.

Per item of clothing Ms Elliott suggests a donation of $1 for baby and children’s clothes, $2 for adults clothes and $5 for large items such as bedding, but these aren’t set prices.

“I process the donation, or I’ve received information from the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services that allows people to donate directly,” she said.

Clients contact Ms Elliott and organise a booking day, drop their clothes to her in Mount Nasura before 7pm and pick them up the next day.

For vulnerable citizens such as the elderly, Ms Elliott is willing to travel a short distance to collect the items.

To contact Ms Elliott in regards to her fundraising mission email