Teaming up to clean up

Teaming up to clean up

Jasmine Langlands with son William helping clean up litter during Clean Up Australia. Photograph - Richard Polden.

A local clean-up was one of the most successful events ever held, according to Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group. 

Held on March 1 in Kelmscott, participants had the option of cleaning through bushlands or along the verge on Connell Avenue. 

AGLG community Landcare coordinator Narelle Mewburn said the there was lots to clean up. “This particular location is notorious for rubbish dumping, builders waste material and general domestic waste,” she said. 

She also said the local community response was excellent with about 30 participants from Clifton Hills and Kelmscott turning up to help. 

“We collected about 48 (60-litre) bags from the roadside, mainly bottles, plastic and glass and a lot of the rubbish throughout the adjacent Connell Avenue bushland,” she said. 

Friends of Banyowla Regional Park Clifton Hills, together with Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group, hosted the event as a part of Clean Up Australia Day. 

Ms Mewburn said next steps would be assisting the City of Armadale to kick-start the 2020 planting season with the annual Plants for Residents program which distributes free native seedlings to residents as a way of encouraging planting and the growing of native flora.