Local movie buffs get their inner elf on

Local movie buffs get their inner elf on

Nikola, Aleksa and Jovan Radosevic with Santa at the Whitby Town Christmas in the Park event. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

More than 200 people came together for a special screening of Elf under the stars at a community event earlier this month. 

The Christmas Movie in the Park event was held on December 14 and featured not only the film but face painting, arts and crafts and a visit from Santa.  

Whitby Town community, sales and marketing manager Sherryn Rietdyk said she was thankful for those who braved the heat to support the free event. 

The next event titled Animals in the Park will be held on January 18 from 11am. 

For more information visit the Whitby Town Facebook page.

Photographs – Aaron Van Rongen.