“It’s an eyesore”

“It’s an eyesore”

Huntingdale resident Rosemary Nelson has labelled maintenance work on her quiet suburban cul-de-sac as “vandalism”, but the city has reiterated the importance of routine roadworks on suburban streets. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

A Huntingdale resident has hit out at the City of Gosnells over what she calls “vandalism”, but the city claims it is simply their way of dealing with damaged, old roads.

Rosemary Nelson walked out the front of her property late in December last year to find the entire cul-de-sac criss-crossed with “spider’s webs” of hot mix.

“I understand the city has to do what they have to do, but this is just an eyesore,” she said. “I’ve already had people drive into the street and just say, ‘What is going on?’ It’s crazy.” Ms Nelson said the quiet cul-de-sac on which she lives, shared by herself and a few neighbours, really doesn’t see the level of traffic which warrants this level of repair.

“Sure, it was an old road but this is just over the top,” she said.

“There wasn’t that much damage, at least enough to really affect any of us.”

Ms Nelson has shared her concerns with both the City of Gosnells and the Federal member for Burt, Matt Keogh, who both informed her that the current level of work was within the city’s current works budget, but resurfacing was not. The city has, however, said that they will “continue to monitor the road to ensure that any intervention necessary takes place.”

In the 2016/2017 financial year, the City of Gosnells spent more than $3 million on roadwork restoration and upgrades, mostly focussed on Forest Lakes Drive, Attfield Street, Olga Road and Davison Street, but also on tributary and smaller suburb roads throughout the city which had been neglected.

A total of $965,000 is being spent on the upgrading and signalisation of the intersection of Langford Avenue and Spencer Road, $458,000 on traffic signals at the intersection of Langford Avenue and Nicholson Road, and $800,000 on traffic lights at the intersection of Yale Road and Spencer Road.

Ms Nelson said the same effort should have been applied to her road.

“The city told me the road was resurfaced ten years ago, and there’s no plans to do any more soon,” she said.

“I believe that a resurfacing should’ve been the priority here and the first thing thought about, not something that will just have to be repaired again a few years down the line.”

The city has stated they will reassess the situation the next time public works funding is raised in council.