Gone but not forgotten

Gone but not forgotten

Members of the Roleystone Community College Choir performed at the Remembrance Day service at Araluen on November 9. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

Local school students and members of the community gathered at the Grove of the Unforgotten at Araluen Botanic Park last week to show their respects for the many soldiers who lost their lives at war. 

The Remembrance Day service was held on the Friday to allow students from a number of schools to attend, including Good Shepherd Catholic Primary, Armadale Primary, Dale Christian, John Wollaston Anglican Community, Kelmscott Senior High, East Maddington Primary, Roleystone Community College and Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar.

Araluen Botanic Park events officer Marie-Adeline Paris said The Grove of the Unforgotten was built at the park in the 1930s to remember the 88 Young Australian League boys who were killed in World War I. 

“A total of 89 pencil pines were planted on a steep slope, one for each soldier and one extra for an unknown soldier and these were linked by 89 steps on either side,” she said. 

“Down the centre cascaded a series of waterfalls singing eternal requiem which came to rest at the bottom of the Grove at the Pool of Reflection.” 

At the service a number of hymns and poems were shared, as well as a wreath laying ritual, the Last Post, a minute’s silence and the national anthem sung by all. 

A commemorative address made by 101-year-old veteran Arthur Leggett OAM was also a highlight of the service. 

Photographs – Aaron Van Rongen.