Can you lend a hand?

Can you lend a hand?

Crossways Kelmscott manager Deb Gloss and volunteer Barbara Wiley. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A pair of shoes, children’s plush toys or even a few tools that are collecting dust in the shed could make the world of difference to someone in need.

Crossways Op Shop in Kelmscott is calling on all residents within the Cities of Armadale and Canning and the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to have a spring clean and look out for unwanted items, which may see the light of day in a new pair of new hands.

Manager Deb Gloss said the shop is currently accepting all quality goods including furniture, clothing, working electrical items and bric-a-brac, which can then be sold to help people less fortunate within the community.

Ms Gloss said the not-for-profit organisation assists with emergency relief, food relief and the cost of some medications and also has a psychologist and registered Men’s Shed on site to contribute to one’s mental health.

“We see about 25 to 30 people through the doors each week for emergency relief and we unfortunately have to turn away roughly 10 to 15 people a week,” she said.

“It is heart breaking… I mean most of us have a meal to go home to and a lot of people out there don’t.

“When you are getting $520 a fortnight and you have $250 a week rent, well that’s nearly everything gone.”

Ms Gloss said the pantry includes non-perishable items as well as meat, fruit and vegetables with everything charged per kilogram rather than the unit price, while the emergency relief service helps people struggling to make ends meet with piling bills.

Ms Gloss told The Examiner in her five years working for the organisation things today were very different.

“Some people come to us who are right on the edge,” she said.

“A lot of people are at their wits end and they don’t know where to go.”

But there are good news stories as well.

“I remember a couple of years ago a lady came through the door with a letter she had received from the power company saying they were going to disconnect her power on Christmas Eve,” Ms Gloss said.

“We made a phone call and spoke to them and said we would help out with some of the bill so they kept her and her three kids connected.”

Crossways is located on Railway Avenue in Kelmscott.

All donations are welcome and free pickups are available.

For more information or to assist the op shop in any way you can call 9390 0054.