Couple vow to fight on

Couple vow to fight on

Thornlie residents Ray and Pam Cole. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

A petition, which requested a footpath be constructed along a Thornlie street, was rejected by the City of Gosnells this week despite the best efforts of a long-term resident.

Ray Cole has lived with his wife Pam in Bernice Way, Thornlie, for the past 40 years and has campaigned for a footpath for the best part of the last 35 years.

He told The Examiner that the road, which was under legislated width by about a metre in many spots was a danger to many residents, some with walkers or prams, and who were forced to walk on the road.

Mr Cole walked around the neighbourhood to collect 59 signatures in support of a footpath being constructed on Bernice Way, which adjoins Thornlie Avenue.

Mr Cole said the street, which includes a council-owned park, had increased in motor vehicle traffic in the past few years as neighbours had subdivided their land for additional housing.

“As far as the council is concerned they will sweep it now and then and collect the rubbish but that’s it,” he said.

“They have given me every excuse over the past 35 years as to why they can’t build a footpath; one was that there were insufficient funds but it would be considered in the next election, but that was several elections ago and another was that my petition wasn’t addressed to the mayor.

“They are giving money to all these other goings on but they can’t turn around and spend a few thousand to put a footpath in.”

In considering his petition, city staff said there was a low level of pedestrian traffic along Bernice Way, a footpath already exists along Thornlie Avenue linking to bus stops and Thornlie Park, and Bernice Way was considered an access street under the Main Roads WA hierarchy for road classification within the state.

The city concluded the footpath was not a high priority at this stage and would be considered with the context of the future Footpaths Plan, which is being developed.

Councillors voted unanimously at Tuesday night’s council meeting to accept the city’s report prepared in response to the petition.

The petition was submitted to council for consideration at the May 22 council meeting.