Legacy continues through highland dance

Legacy continues through highland dance

Olivia Kerr was presented with the Grace Watson cup by Ms Watson’s parents Brian and Grace Watson.

The Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre hosted the fourth annual Grace Watson Memorial Competition on Sunday.

Held in honour of skilled highland dancer Grace Watson who lost her battle to cancer in August 2014 her legacy lives on in the dance competition.

About 37 dancers took part on November 12 with the competition held in Byford for the first time.

The rec centre also held a fundraising afternoon tea and overall the event has raised more than $1000 with all proceeds going to the Cancer Council.

WA Metropolitan Regional Committee of Highland Dancing president Hayley Martin said the dancers strived for excellence in the dancing the same way Grace Watson did.

“We dance a mass fling at the end with all dancers, former dancers and teachers invited to dance for Grace,” she said.

“One of the dancers wore Grace’s kilt at this year’s competition.”

Grace Watson won many awards throughout her dancing career including the Champion of Champions Australia and the Grand Australasian Championship twice.

She also placed fifth overall in the Adult World Highland Dancing Championship in Scotland.

Ms Martin said she embodied the dedication and drive, which created a great dancer and was active in the highland dance community in Perth.

Five winners were announced at the competition, which was split into different categories.

Shia Eeles won the beginner all ages trophy, Ellie Manason won the novice all ages, Tessa van Bueren won the intermediate all ages, Morven Johnston won the premier 15 years and under and Olivia Kerr won the premier 16 years and over.