It was about the mateship

It was about the mateship

President of the Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL Rick Giblett when he served in Vietnam with the SAS.

Perhaps no other day unites Australians more than the way ANZAC Day does.

On April 25 there will be dawn services all over the country, the bugle will be played and the flag raised and many will remember the sacrifices of soldiers from past wars and the service of men and women in recent times.

For Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL president Rick Giblett ANZAC Day is a day of remembering those who stood in harms way for Australia.

“It doesn’t matter that you don’t know them,” he said.

“You don’t forget the people who sacrificed themselves for us and you don’t forget those who made it home because the fight, both physical and mental continues.”

Mr Giblett served in the army for more than 10 years and saw action in Vietnam.

He was part of the SAS and said he was also involved in reconnaissance.

“It’s 20 per cent of sheer terror and 80 per cent of boredom,” he said.

Although Mr Giblett said looking back now the Vietnam War was an unnecessary war at the time but it offered him adventure and a job.

“There was great loss of life on both sides but Australia had committed to the war, we had committed to helping the other Allied countries and I was there to do my job,” he said.

“As an enlisted solider doing your job and having the opportunity to travel was great motivation.”

Mr Giblett said serving in Vietnam taught him the true meaning of the ANZAC spirit.

“Aside from having quite an adventure being in Vietnam, I have maintained the friendships which were forged then and that is the core value of the ANZACs,” he said.

“It is mateship.”

Mr Giblett said the message of ANZAC Day was about mateship and it should be a day to always be remembered.