Young artist captivates Kenwick

Young artist captivates Kenwick

Shivani Panneri sold some of her paintings on Saturday afternoon, raising funds for the Autism Association of WA. Photograph – Richard Polden.

Community members and local leaders were all blown away by the efforts of East Kenwick Primary School student Shivani Panneri, at the weekend.

The 10-year-old held a special community event/exhibition at the Kenwick Community Centre on April 17, to raise funds for the Autism Association of WA (AAWA).

Shivani managed to raise $1500 by selling off some of her many extraordinary paintings.

The event brought together representatives from the State Government, the City of Gosnells, and the AAWA.

All funds raised will be donated to the association, which provides much-needed support to Autism sufferers across the state.

Shivani’s mother, Shyma Anandan, congratulated her daughter for organising and hosting such a positive community event.

“It was a really great event, with around 200-250 people in attendance…I did not expect that many people to turn up,” Ms Anandan said.

“We have received a lot of really good feedback, from many people within our local community.”

Shivani plans to host a number of fundraising events in the near future, with assistance from local community groups and other artists.