Walk to honour Tony

Walk to honour Tony

Vicky Kerfoot and Diana Henniker. Photograph – Richard Polden

On Sunday, September 19 the Jarrahdale Heritage Society will be conducting the Tony Henniker Long Walk which was developed after the sudden death of Mr Henniker in 2013.

Mr Henniker was an enthusiastic walker, who led the Jarrahdale Heritage Society walks for more than 10 years, leading a team that created and maintained the trails in the forests around Jarrahdale.

The Tony Henniker Long Walk is about nine kilometres long and was one Mr Henniker used to do quite regularly, according to his widow Diana Henniker and Jarrahdale Heritage Society’s Vicky Kerfoot.

“We’ve developed it as one of the walks in the walk book and we don’t normally do the walks in the book, but because we haven’t done this one in a while we just wanted to do it so other people could enjoy it,” they said.

“It goes through the Jarrahdale Park and then goes into Serpentine National Park and then it follows the Gooralong Brook and it comes up just before Staceys track.”

“You go through some different forests including some Jarrah and Pine.

“It is a grade two, so you need some experience and, in some parts, it is quite steep but class two would be fine.”

Mrs Henniker said when they retired to Jarrahdale, Mr Henniker got very involved in the walks.

“Tony coordinated them for about eight years, and he developed new trails,” she said.

“He was the kind of guy who would go out with the lawn mower to mow the trails.”

The start and return of the walk on Sunday, September 19 will see registrations at 8.30am at the Old Post Office Museum located at 631 Jarrahdale Road.
All walkers need to sign in prior to start.

The start time is 9am for the walk, and the cost for members will be $5 per adult and $2.50 per school-aged children.

The cost for non-members will be $7 per adult and $3 for school-aged children.

Any costs go towards helping to maintain the trails.

Booking is essential and can be made via www.jarrahdale.com for any queries contact Bernie on 0406 980 677.