WA Federal MPs forced to stay home

WA Federal MPs forced to stay home


Last week marked a significant move for Federal Member for Burt Matt Keogh, who participated in the Parliamentary proceedings remotely due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns.

Mr Keogh elected to stay in Perth last week to participate in the proceedings from his office in Kelmscott.

Due to tight border restrictions, risk of exposure while in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), and flight logistics Mr Keogh decided remote participation was the best option.

“COVID has certainly forced our Parliament into the 21st century of video participation,” he said.

“While it is useful to be able to speak in Parliament from the relative safety of WA, it is important we get our nation operating properly again and that includes everyone being able to attend Parliament in person to fully participate.

“It is unfortunate that (the current) vaccine rollout is continuing to hamper the proper functioning of our national parliament.”

Mr Keogh will continue to monitor the ongoing outbreaks across Australia each week, to re-evaluate participating remotely as advice changes.

Last year the Federal Parliament introduced the option for members to participate remotely if they had legitimate health reasons or due to COVID-19 border restrictions.

Similar rules apply on all three levels of Government, to cater for the ongoing threat of COVID-19.