Students learn to move it or lose it

Students learn to move it or lose it

Member for Darling Range Hugh Jones served the students breakfast after their walk.

Beenyup Primary School showed their support for active healthy lifestyles by encouraging their students to enjoy a walk to school, for National Walk Safely to School Day.

On Friday May 14 more than 121 children, their families and staff from the school participated in the National Walk Safely to School day.

The national event is in its 21st year and raises awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking can provide for the long-term wellbeing of children.

Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking also has a favourable impact on their cognitive and academic performance.

Member for Darling Range Hugh Jones attended the walk with Beenyup Primary School and helped serve students a delicious breakfast before school commenced for the day.

Mr Jones said he enjoyed being able to encourage the walk and participate with the students, families and staff.

“I joined the kids from Beenyup Primary on their walk, and helped serve them a breakfast at school of fruit, milo and pancakes,” he said.

“Active kids are healthy kids so it was great to see so many out participating in the walk.”

Beenyup Primary is also a proud supporter of the ‘Your Move’ campaign which aims to encourage students to be more active by walking, riding or scooting to school.

Families are encouraged to walk to school and if they cannot walk the entire way, to use public transport and get off the bus, train, tram or ferry a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way.

Introducing healthy lifestyles should begin early to give children the routine of looking after their minds and bodies.